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  • Sieving Equipment

      1. Square Vibrate SieveThe sieve is designed with easy-assemble handles at the upper part to integrate the machine as whole. The upper cover of the square vibrating sieve is totally sealed, in order to avoid dust flying during vibration. Meanwhile the vibrating motor installed on the lower part of vibrating sieve uses a spring to reduce vibration, ensuring the square vibrate sieve works at a steady rate. The inclined angle of the sieve surface can be ...
      1. Circle Vibrate SieveThe circular vibrating sieve is an ideal machine for the production line, so it is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and foodstuff industries for separating different sized granules with a multilayer screen mesh through the use of vibration.

    Xianfeng Drying is a professional sieving equipment manufacturer in China. We provide a wide range of products, including square vibrate sieve, circle vibrate sieve, belt drying equipment, fluidized bed granulator, and more.

    Related Names
    Screening Equipment | Sieving Facility | Sizing Device | Separating Machine

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